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Mentoring is linking a young person with a practicing adult Christian who regularly worships and is a member of our congregation. It is an opportunity for the mentor and the confirmation student to share together what it means to live and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and as a member of his church.
Mentoring is intended to provide personal support, encouragement and accountability for Confirmation participants.
Mentoring aims to develop cross-generational sense of Christian community, whereby members of all generations belong together, care for and encourage one another as members of one body of Christ.


Mentors should be regularly worshiping, active and committed Christians and preferably involved as members of the St  Paul Lutheran Congregation. They should have a love for young people and a willingness to share their own faith and to encourage the mentoree in their walk with Jesus. It is strongly desirable for Mentors to have some for of Childsafe training.

People In Church


1, To pray daily for their mentoree.
2. To make contact with them fortnightly.
3. To arrange to meet with them one on one monthly.
4. To develop a caring and friendly relationship with them.
5. To share their faith with their mentoree.
6. To support them in fulfilling their confirmation requirements.
7. To model and encourage a personal devotional life, worship attendance and involvement in Christian community.

Girl Praying


Mentoring at St Paul is part of helping all of our young people create  their Faith Web. A web of people of all ages with strong faith that they can admire and model from. Follow the link below to see more of our vision for our young people.

Glistening Spider Webs
Mentors: Service
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